About Us


Worldwide, there is no specified or required diploma or degree, that is acknowledged as being a prerequisite to qualify as, or become an Accident Reconstructionist. In fact, the term “reconstructionist” is colloquial.  However, there are a select group of Institutions that offer high standard academic based, specialised courses and training, that are renowned, recognized, and esteemed by all specialists involved in the field of accident investigation, technical follow-up, reconstruction and cause analysis. Such Institutions include The Northwestern University  ⏤ Centre for Public Safety based in Chicago Illinois USA; and The Texas A&M University’s ⏤ TEEX services.  Both of FCI’s Accident Reconstructionists have received training from such institutions.

Combined, FCI’s experts have 55 years plus of training, knowledge, skills, expertise and experience to conduct specialized tasks essential in offering our clients the following services:

What We Offer

FCI has 28 years of extensive knowledge, expertise and experience to
conduct specialized tasks essential in offering our Clients the following services:


Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) is a technology that involves the retrieval and analysis of data stored in a vehicle's Event Data Recorder (EDR) after a physical event, such as a crash or collision. EDRs are built-in devices in many modern vehicles that capture and store data related to the vehicle's performance and the driver's actions in the moments leading up to a crash.


Traditional reconstruction of a traffic collision involves a comprehensive approach that combines scene and vehicle inspection, calculations related to momentum and speed, and an assessment of whether reasonable precautions were taken

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A desktop tyre analysis and a full tyre inspection and investigation are two different approaches to evaluating the condition, performance, and potential issues related to vehicle tyres

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The examination of vehicles that have been involved in fires. These investigations are crucial for determining the cause and origin of the fire, as well as gathering evidence that can be used for insurance claims, legal proceedings, and improving safety standards

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Vehicle mechanical inspection involves a thorough examination of a vehicle's condition, including identifying and documenting evidence or findings related to its mechanical state. This process may include interviewing the insured party or witnesses, capturing photographic evidence, collaborating with other involved parties, analyzing the collected evidence, and ultimately reporting the findings.


A crucial process in the insurance industry, involving the thorough examination and verification of the details provided by policyholders following an collision/incident. This process is designed to ensure that claims are legitimate, accurate, and align with the terms of the insurance policy.

We Provide the Best Service in the Industry

If you require our services, kindly email us to ensure prompt attention to your matter